Thursday, July 9, 2015

Automatic schedule of OBIEE Agents after load/ETL process.

If you want to run the agents immediately after a particular task like ETL/Load, you can schedule them through a batch script.

Below is the syntax, you can put this on a notepage and save it with .bat extension.

pushd D:\OBIEE_MW\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\server\bin

echo pwd| saschinvoke.exe -u weblogic -j 38 -m server_name:9705
echo pwd| saschinvoke.exe -u weblogic -j 39 -m server_name:9705
echo pwd| saschinvoke.exe -u weblogic -j 40 -m server_name:9705
echo pwd| saschinvoke.exe -u weblogic -j 41 -m server_name:9705

This is where saschinvoke.exe file resides in OBIEE server.

38,39,40,41 are the job IDs for the Agents we want to run. You can get these IDs from S_NQ_JOB table.

echo pwd
Without this, each command will ask weblogic password before proceeding.


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